Friends Of Los Alamos Cemetery

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The Friends of the Los Alamos Cemetery OUR MISSION:

“Our purpose is to secure funding for the Los Alamos Cemetery in order to better maintain and improve the historic Cemetery premises, facilities, and services, for the benefit of our community now and into the future.”


The Friends of Los Alamos Cemetery (FOLAC) was founded with the mission to preserve, enhance, and maintain the historic Los Alamos Cemetery, which serves as the final resting place for generations of local families. Over the years, FOLAC has worked tirelessly to honor the rich history of the region, hosting events such as annual Memorial Day services and providing essential maintenance to keep the cemetery grounds accessible and dignified. Our volunteers, many of whom are descendants of those buried in the cemetery, actively participate in upkeep, community outreach, and event planning.
Currently, FOLAC’s primary activities include regular landscaping and maintenance of the cemetery grounds, hosting commemorative events, and fostering community engagement through educational initiatives about local history. Our constituency includes families of the deceased, local residents, and history enthusiasts. With a focus on preserving this invaluable heritage site, FOLAC stands apart by its dedication to engaging the community in its mission, fostering a shared sense of stewardship over the cemetery.
FOLAC collaborates informally with local historical societies and community organizations to share resources and insights, ensuring a holistic approach to preserving the cultural and historical significance of the cemetery. Our work differs from other organizations by focusing on tangible improvements to the site while maintaining its historical and spiritual essence.

Funding Request

1. Need or Problem Addressed
The existing structure at Los Alamos Cemetery, originally intended for equipment storage, is underutilized and in need of renovation. This building has the potential to serve as a functional office and sanctuary space, providing a much-needed venue for quiet reflection, small memorial services, and administrative tasks. Additionally, an office space would allow families purchasing burial plots to review their options in a comfortable and safe setting, with access to maps, a computer for visual reference, and the ability to complete necessary paperwork on-site. Currently, the absence of such a space limits our ability to meet these needs efficiently.

2. Project Goals and Outcomes
The primary goal of this project is to renovate the storage structure into a dual-purpose office and chapel/sanctuary, creating a welcoming environment for administrative functions, contemplative use, and improved service for families. Outcomes include a completed renovation, the addition of appropriate furnishings, and an increase in community usage and visitor satisfaction.

3. Project Description
This project involves the renovation of the existing structure at the cemetery to include new drywall, paint, flooring, and partitioned areas for a small office and sanctuary. Furnishings will include a desk, chairs, pews, and office equipment to facilitate administrative tasks, such as plot sales. The office will serve as a comfortable and professional space for families to discuss burial arrangements, review cemetery maps, and complete paperwork. The target audience includes local residents, visitors, and families of the deceased. The renovation will transform an underused building into a multifunctional space, encouraging greater community engagement. The project is new and planned for completion within six months of securing funding.

4. Most Pressing Needs
Our immediate need is funding for renovation materials, labor, and furnishings. These improvements are essential for the structure to serve its intended purpose effectively.

5. Evaluation Plan
The project’s success will be measured through visitor feedback, increased use of the space for memorial services and family consultations, and completion of the renovation within the projected timeline and budget.

6. Skills and Experience of Key Staff/Volunteers FOLAC’s dedicated volunteers include individuals with experience in construction, project management, and event planning. Collaborations with local contractors and community members will ensure the successful execution of this project.

7. Contingency Plan
If full funding is not available, we will pursue additional grants and community fundraising initiatives. The project scope can be adjusted to prioritize essential renovations, ensuring the building becomes functional as soon as possible.